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Tuesday, November 13


This is the week of pictures...Today Brianne has pictures being taken at school. They are really neat because they are "Old Time" pictueres. They dress tehm up in "antique" looking clothes and that pictuers of them in hat boxes and such.
Then on Satruday, we are taking family pictures at Walmart. I just realized last week I better set that up if I want to send them out with my Christmas cards. I am looking forward to it because we haven't had a family picture in a year and Brianne has grown up so much since then. I can't wait to see how they turn out.

Family Visits

My Dad's sister and niece (and their families) were in twon this weekend. They came to celebrate Garndpa's 80th birthday. It was nice to see them again. We don't get to see them very often since they live in Oregon. They were only here for one day, but it was great. It is amazing how much everyone changes.

Thursday, November 8

Fun Times

I went to Brianne's school yesterday, they had a Harvest Festival. It was fun. They made Pumpkin bred together, carved pumpkins, and painted pictures. We had lunch together and then I left, it was time for naps.

Brianne is having so much fun in school. She plays and her vocabulary is increasing. Now my only problem is trying to get her to not take her dirt-filled shoes off in the house.

Tuesday, November 6

Potty Training

Brianne is starting to potty training. Wish us luck! She definitly knows when she is wet. If anyone has some suggestions to help they are always welcome.

Monday, November 5


I made a very delicious soup yesterday. It had potatoes, corn, green beans, white beans, black beans, carrots, mushrooms, water chestnuts, and meat. It is so tasty and good for you too. I love to cook! Creating with food is so fun and rewarding when you see someone bite into something you created and their face lights up.

80 Years Old

My grandfather's 80th birthday is today. Wow, what it must be like to have seen 80 years worth of life?! I can't even imagine how many things he has seen and experienced. I hope that I will have that fulfilling of a life.

Thursday, November 1

~Debt free!~

Eric and I have had a great stroke of luck. We have figured out a way to pay off ALL our debt. What a wonderful feeling. We are able to breath easy and have a clear mind. We got the idea from Eric's new job venture of Primerica. What a great oganization. They take a bunch of information about how you are handling your finances now and show you how to take that money and use it to your best advantage. For example, eric did this process with his father and with the way he was going currently he would retire at the ripe age of 92, now that he has shown them how to work their money for them they will retire at 65! What a difference! He can even help you get a loan for a home. If anyone wants help with this, please let me know and I will have Eric contact you. What a great feeling~~~

Best 6 minutes on You Tube...!