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Wednesday, July 2

Thank you...

With 4th of July coming up it always makes me think about my life and what others, whom I have never met, give up so that me and my loved ones can live in this wonderful county that many die trying to enter. We live in the greatest nation in the world, and if you don't agree...than what are you doing here? People risk their lives just to get a piece of our life.

I have always been that person that cries every time I hear the national anthem or see soldiers/veterans saluting the flag. Soldiers (present and retired) are the greatest human beings in the world and I love each and every one of them. Now of course there anywhere you go there is always going to be those few that take things to extremely and make the rest look bad. Just remember if it wasn't for all those brave men and women that VOLUNTEER to protect you and your family that you owe everything to. Do not speak ill of them or say they are bad people. Some of the things that are required of them is not nice, but it is what is necessary to keep you in your comfortable lifestyle. When you see a soldier, current or retired, tell them thank you and that what they do means a lot to you.

So on this national holiday remember that you live in the greatest nation in the world. Thank those that should be and don't complain about it unless you are willing to get off you butt and change it!

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