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Tuesday, June 10


Brianne is getting some attitude! She has started saying phrases with a certain flare shall we say...She is definitely testing the waters of defiance. She has also picked up the very annoying habit of whining. It is driving Eric and I up the wall.

And now to add a bit of fun for me, Eric is the new teachers quorum adviser in our ward. This means on top of doing work, school & Primerica (which he doesn't get to do much of already), now he will be gone to do mutual and scouting things. I hate this!!! I did not get married so I could be a single parent.

We really need a vacation, but it all comes down to that age old detail of money. Not enough to go, can't afford to take time off of work, etc. etc.

Did I mention waahh, waahh, poor me!

1 comment:

Jeff and Elise said...

Ahh the whining, don't you love it?!?! I think Sadie started in on the terrible two's the minute she turned one!!

Best 6 minutes on You Tube...!