We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!
Our Christmas was busy and jolly. It started off on Christmas Eve. After 3 days of getting up at 5am to finish wrapping and other various preparation activities, I woke up one more day at 5am and finished wrapping my husband's presents. After I finished that, I quickly cleaned the living-room and hall bathroom for when my guest would arrive later that day. I then prepared myself for when my sister arrived for the packing of the baskets (our combined gift to all family members). The basket includes a calendar, CD, Homemade Soup, Bread, Nuts, Cookies, Cocoa, and handmade ornament. It is all arranged in a basket them wrapped in cellophane. They are a wonderful gift, but A LOT of work. After wrapping 7 of the 13 I needed to I went to my OBGYN appointment (for more on that see my baby blog). I left my sister in charge of cleaning the floors in my home. When I finally returned home about 12:15 I had to rush through the shower and get ready for my holiday guests at 1pm.
That holiday party consisted of my sister, brother in law, niece, nephew, mother, mother's boyfriend and me. This was our little Christmas get together before mom left on Christmas morning. We all then went over to my Grandparents house (just down the street) for our big annual Christmas Eve family party. My Grandmother made pastrami (as usual) and it was fantastic. We did the traditional luminaries and then opened Santa Gifts, not a good thing in our family. A santa gift in our family would be something like, if you hate candles, your gift might be a super ugly candle.
We then went home and tucked our little one into bed. Then "Santa" came and we were able to go to bed. I had a very hard time sleeping and woke up at 12, 2:30, 4 and 4:45. I eventually moved out to the couch and watched TV. I must have dosed off because I woke at 6:15. I was going to make a fire and prepare the food to take to my in-laws at 10, but I began to hear my little girl stirring (usually she doesn't wake until 7:30). She came out and discovered what Santa had left her. She was so excited. She opened all of her stocking and presents and proceeded to play with her gifts while Eric and I opened our gifts.
At 10:30 (late as usual) we went to Eric's mother's house and celebrated Christmas with hid family. It was fun and crazy. I crashed at about 12:30 and begged him to take me home for a nap. We got home and I napped until 2:30ish. We then went to my dad's house for Christmas dinner. We had ham, funeral potatoes, green beans, green fluff salad, corn and homemade bread. For dessert, my sister's homemade apple pie (delicious!). We stayed there until about 8ish and came home, showered and went to bed. I was/am exhausted. I am so glad that Eric and I have the 4-day weekend to recuperate from all the holiday fun.
We have spent most of today putting away the fruits of yesterday's adventures. This is not an easy task when you are 37 weeks pregnant.
Again, Hope everyone had a great Holiday and that you have a very Safe and Happy New Year!!
Friday, December 26
Thursday, December 18
I am so anxious about the new baby that it is hard for me to keep on track for all the holiday things that have to get done. I still need to...
Finish the shopping
Wrap the presents
Clean the house for a holiday get together
(a HUGE task)
Not over do it and put myself into early labor
Plus in the meantime:
My daughter is sick
Causing us to not get any sleep
Which makes my husband VERY cranky
Which irritates me (who also doesn't have enough sleep)
Which upsets the baby
Which makes me need to rest more
Which means I can't get the list done above
Which makes me feel inferior
Which makes me sad and weepy
I have to say to myself:
Finish the shopping
Wrap the presents
Clean the house for a holiday get together
(a HUGE task)
Not over do it and put myself into early labor
Plus in the meantime:
My daughter is sick
Causing us to not get any sleep
Which makes my husband VERY cranky
Which irritates me (who also doesn't have enough sleep)
Which upsets the baby
Which makes me need to rest more
Which means I can't get the list done above
Which makes me feel inferior
Which makes me sad and weepy
I have to say to myself:
Saturday, December 13
So Eric and I were skeptical on letting Brianne go see Santa Claus. She is always pointing him out and saying his name, but we were afraid of the typical 3 year old reaction when we got to his lap she would get shy and not want to sit on it.
Nope! She climbed right on up and sat on it. She even gave him a hug. Here is Brianne's first picture with Santa...
Nope! She climbed right on up and sat on it. She even gave him a hug. Here is Brianne's first picture with Santa...

Tuesday, November 25
Saturday, November 22
Your not my friend
A funny (and slightly annoying) thing happened Sunday. I have finally hit that time in the pregnancy called nesting. Anyone who has been pregnant know about this stage. Well if you read my blog, you know that my house has been a sort of shambles for months. I have decided that it is now time to get the house in order and read for our precious new bundle. I was cleaning out the area in our room where the new baby will reside for the first few months. I was moving and carrying things that I probably should not have been, but I was determined. Brianne was laying by the door (being somewhat of a pain in the tushy), I was walking out the door to a closet in the hallway outside our bedroom carrying a heavy pile of papers and such. Just as I get to the door, Brianne decides she wants to kick it right into my knee. Of course everything went flying down the hallway and I barely caught myself in time before I hit the floor. I whipped around and yelled, "Nooooo, don't do that, you hurt momma!". She turned on her stomach and started whining, and I ever so lightly (I mean we are talking not even hard enough to scare a bug) smacked her tush. She starts crying and wailing, "You hit my tushy momma". As I have finished picking up the hallway and have started to put it all away in the closet just outside our and Brianne's bedroom doors, she gets up, walks into her doorway, puts one hand on her hip and the other on her door as if she is going to slam the door. She then turns to me and says in a very stern and upset choppy tone "You're not my friend momma!". I quickly responded with, "That is just fine with me because you're not my friend right now either!"
Finding out the truth...
Don't you just love it when, for years, you have been having feelings and urges toward a certain decision and you finally get that confirmation to go with it. Recently in my family (on my husband's side specifically) this has happened. A few of us in the family are constantly overlooked and ignored, and we have decided not to take it anymore. We are not going to allow this emotional neglect any longer. And unfortunately I think that it is so far developed that even if there was an attempt to rectify it, we are all so hurt that it would be very hard to turn this around. I don't think an attempt will be made because these were not things that we maliciously chosen to do, but the result of a personality and character flaw. I have been feeling this way for quite some time and am glad that we are finally all banded together.
Friday, November 14
I'm ready...
for the holiday season to start.
for my husband to be home more often.
to try to get the craziness that is my life in order.
for this new baby to join us, not really due to the previous statement.
to see Christmas lights everywhere.
to cook up a storm in the upcoming month.
for a clean house.
for Brianne to have less energy than a chicken with it's head cut off.
for a hug from my 2 sleeping babies.
for my husband to be home more often.
to try to get the craziness that is my life in order.
for this new baby to join us, not really due to the previous statement.
to see Christmas lights everywhere.
to cook up a storm in the upcoming month.
for a clean house.
for Brianne to have less energy than a chicken with it's head cut off.
for a hug from my 2 sleeping babies.
Wednesday, November 12
Daddy's groupie...
Eric loves to play guitar hero. He gets into it. Brianne loves to watch and dance to Daddy's guitar hero stylings. The only problem with this is she likes to dance right in front of the TV screen so Eric can't see what he is supposed to play. In this video, Brianne shows off her best moves and if you watch Eric's leg you see it bobbing to the music. At the end of the video you see how easily Brianne is distracted and done with things that she does.
Halloween, a little late..
School is almost over!
Yes!!! I am so excited that Eric is almost done with school. Tomorrow is his last class forever. It will be so nice to have my husband back, especially since I will be understandably uncomfortable in this holiday season.
Monday, October 27
Sunday, October 26
SICK Family!!
The whole family is SICK. I am stuffy and runny and coughy and achy and yucky all over. Unfortunately for me, I can't take anything!! Brianne has a temperature and has started being cranky. She is napping now, and I am not sure if she was cranky from lack of sleep or sickness. She was her normal happy self this morning even with the fever. I still have to take care of my family and the house, which sucks. Brianne may not be able to go to school tomorrow, we will see later today/in the morning.
I hope everyone is doing better than us...
I hope everyone is doing better than us...
Wednesday, October 15
So here is some updating on us...It won't be much, we are boring:
As mentioned below, Eric is almost done with school...**Hallelujah**
The pregnancy is going well (for more details see the New Baby Blog)
Brianne is growing so much, she is definitely 3. Her attitude is really starting to show. Her favorite phrases right now are, "My turn, I do", "No!", and "Don't want to..". Anyone who has had a 3year old knows this gets old really fast. It is nice that she can now understand more and tell me what she wants, but at the same time she can understand more and tell me what she wants. I can really start to see the bad habits that Eric and I have. We really have to watch our actions and language (oops) I love to see her learning and doing more things and she loves to help me in the kitchen. It's so fun to cook things with her. She loves to mix, and pour things into the bowls for me. She is so cute!!
I am really enjoying spending time with my family. I have really had a urge to be around family with this pregnancy (more on that at the other blog).
I hope everyone is doing well.
As mentioned below, Eric is almost done with school...**Hallelujah**
The pregnancy is going well (for more details see the New Baby Blog)
Brianne is growing so much, she is definitely 3. Her attitude is really starting to show. Her favorite phrases right now are, "My turn, I do", "No!", and "Don't want to..". Anyone who has had a 3year old knows this gets old really fast. It is nice that she can now understand more and tell me what she wants, but at the same time she can understand more and tell me what she wants. I can really start to see the bad habits that Eric and I have. We really have to watch our actions and language (oops) I love to see her learning and doing more things and she loves to help me in the kitchen. It's so fun to cook things with her. She loves to mix, and pour things into the bowls for me. She is so cute!!
I am really enjoying spending time with my family. I have really had a urge to be around family with this pregnancy (more on that at the other blog).
I hope everyone is doing well.
Saturday, October 4
Life has been....
pretty boring~ Other than being tired and exhausted, everything is same old, same old. Eric is almost done with school ~ 6 WEEKS LEFT!!! I am so looking forward to that, except for that whole paying student loans back thing. Now we are getting to may favorite time of year. The cooler weather, the holidays, just the feeling in the air.
Brianne's little brain is growing smarter everyday. She is constantly coming up with different things that make me laugh or angry. She is a little attitude machine and is always trying to assert herself. One of her new favorite phrases is "I do, my turn!"
Brianne's little brain is growing smarter everyday. She is constantly coming up with different things that make me laugh or angry. She is a little attitude machine and is always trying to assert herself. One of her new favorite phrases is "I do, my turn!"
Tuesday, September 23
Him vs. Her
Here is a little quiz of me verses my hubby...Enjoy!
1. What are his nicknames? Honey, Babe, Love-muffin
2. How long have you been married? 8 years in October
3. How long did you date? Approximately 4 Years, 4 months, & 5 days
4. How old is he? 29
5. Who eats more sweets? He does, unless I am pregnant...
6. Who said I love you first? I did, he wasn't ready yet...
7. Who is taller? Him by about 1/4 inch
8. Who sings better? He does
9. Who is smarter? Depends about what you speak...We took IQ tests and scored very close, but scored higher when we took it together. We both know a lot about different subjects. I will tell you this though...his brain is worth a lot of money!
10. Who does the laundry? Usually me, he does it all wrong! He will do it all, wash, switch to the dryer, unload the dryer, but won't lay the clothes out so they don't get wrinkled.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed from the foot of it I do.
12. Who mows the lawn? What the heck is a lawn?...Of yeah, that green stuff that grows in some peoples yards...we don't have one, but if we did he would.
13. Who cooks dinner? I do, Eric's version of cooking dinner is a box of Hamburger Helper, which isn't bad but I can do better.
14. Who drives? If we are together, generally he does.
15. Who is more stubborn? Depends about what, but typically I would say me.
16. Who kissed who first? He kissed me, then looked up at me (yes even though he is taller I was in heels) and said..."don't worry, it gets better".
17. Who proposed? We just kind of decided to get married, but he did officially propose with the rings we picked out.
18. Who has more siblings? We each have one sibling.
19. Who wears the pants? How about we both wear shorts...
....What do you love most about him?
*His ability to take care of me and our family
*His thirst for something better in life.
*His cuteness.
*His ability to do the things I can't/don't want to.
*His charming personality.
*The fact that Children LOVE him! (that speaks volumes).
*His want to make me happy, even when he thinks I am being silly.
And so many more reasons....
1. What are his nicknames? Honey, Babe, Love-muffin
2. How long have you been married? 8 years in October
3. How long did you date? Approximately 4 Years, 4 months, & 5 days
4. How old is he? 29
5. Who eats more sweets? He does, unless I am pregnant...
6. Who said I love you first? I did, he wasn't ready yet...
7. Who is taller? Him by about 1/4 inch
8. Who sings better? He does
9. Who is smarter? Depends about what you speak...We took IQ tests and scored very close, but scored higher when we took it together. We both know a lot about different subjects. I will tell you this though...his brain is worth a lot of money!
10. Who does the laundry? Usually me, he does it all wrong! He will do it all, wash, switch to the dryer, unload the dryer, but won't lay the clothes out so they don't get wrinkled.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed from the foot of it I do.
12. Who mows the lawn? What the heck is a lawn?...Of yeah, that green stuff that grows in some peoples yards...we don't have one, but if we did he would.
13. Who cooks dinner? I do, Eric's version of cooking dinner is a box of Hamburger Helper, which isn't bad but I can do better.
14. Who drives? If we are together, generally he does.
15. Who is more stubborn? Depends about what, but typically I would say me.
16. Who kissed who first? He kissed me, then looked up at me (yes even though he is taller I was in heels) and said..."don't worry, it gets better".
17. Who proposed? We just kind of decided to get married, but he did officially propose with the rings we picked out.
18. Who has more siblings? We each have one sibling.
19. Who wears the pants? How about we both wear shorts...
....What do you love most about him?
*His ability to take care of me and our family
*His thirst for something better in life.
*His cuteness.
*His ability to do the things I can't/don't want to.
*His charming personality.
*The fact that Children LOVE him! (that speaks volumes).
*His want to make me happy, even when he thinks I am being silly.
And so many more reasons....
Monday, September 8
Brianne's Party
Hi All!
Photos from Brianne's Birthday Party are up at our Shutterfly page, Please feel free to look at that album and any other you would like. There are some cute ones!
Photos from Brianne's Birthday Party are up at our Shutterfly page, Please feel free to look at that album and any other you would like. There are some cute ones!
Ultrasounds pics are up!
Hi Everyone,
Just letting you know in case you are interested...the latest ultrasound pictures are up on the New Baby Reeves Blog. Take a look and make sure to take my baby poll too!
Just letting you know in case you are interested...the latest ultrasound pictures are up on the New Baby Reeves Blog. Take a look and make sure to take my baby poll too!
Friday, September 5
A new poll
Hi Everyone! If you are readying this, please pop over to my Pregnancy Journal and take my poll on the top right side. Since we are not finding out what the new baby is to be, we want to know what you think! Please take the poll and let us know...
Thursday, September 4
My baby turns 3!
I can't believe it, my baby girl is turning 3 tomorrow! Where did the time go. She is such a blessing and I love watching her grow and progress. She has so much energy and life. She makes me laugh and smile every day.
She is so excited about her party on Saturday. She is ready to swim in the pool and play with friends. She loves Dora the Explorer and that is the party theme. I can't wait to see her face when she sees the decorations and all the family and friends that will be there.
She is one of the best things in my life and I love you so much...
She is so excited about her party on Saturday. She is ready to swim in the pool and play with friends. She loves Dora the Explorer and that is the party theme. I can't wait to see her face when she sees the decorations and all the family and friends that will be there.
She is one of the best things in my life and I love you so much...
Sunday, August 24
Party Prep
So I just realized a couple days ago that Brianne's birthday is in 2 WEEKS!! AHHHH!!! I really have to kick butt and get everything ready. Brianne's birthday is always a huge production. I am talking there is 40-45 people there (and 90% of that is family)! I am trying to get a head start on this because this year I am 20 weeks pregnant and tired.
Hubby is being a little pissy, the usual when he thinks I am being "crazy" with preping and spending money. He asks "we have 2 weeks why do we have to start now?" and I reply with "well our weeks somehow get lost and we only have 2 Saturdays to get a lot of stuff done". He like most men is a wonderful husband, but doesn't not understand the work that is involved with being a mom. Yes he knows there is work involved, he helps put up the canopy, blow up the pool and decorate on the day of the party, but he really has no idea who much prep work is involved before the big day. It is amazing how there know there are new party decorations, food ordered, party bags etc. but for some reason they have no comprehension of how all of those items came to be in our possession. Like they appeared by magic.
He complains that I over-think my parties. He, like most people, doesn't understand....throwing a party is an art form. I know that sounds corny, let me try to explain. Most people when they throw a party, have a little food, maybe some decorations, people come over and there is often some "blank spots" in the fun. Now let me walk you through what goes on in my mind when I am planning a party. The first thing you have to do is, decide on a theme. Once I have the theme I decide on a color scheme for things. Since I am a graphic designer, the next item is to design a theme based invitation. The big trick to making a party seem together is link everything back to the theme. After the invitations are done, I can focus on the theme. When I buy supplies and decorations everything in linked to the theme/color scheme. After the decorations are taken care of, the next step is activities. I make sure that there is something for everyone to do if they want to. Especially if there are children. Children often get tired of things quickly and if you don't give them something else to do, the whining or mischief begins. Every detail of a party is thought of and the minor, small details are not overlooked. When you come to one of my parties there is a reason to everything you see, hear or encounter. Most people never really realize the thought/details put into it, all they know is that there was something different that made the party special. Making a party special is all about creating an ambiance for the party-goers.
But enough rambling....
Hubby is being a little pissy, the usual when he thinks I am being "crazy" with preping and spending money. He asks "we have 2 weeks why do we have to start now?" and I reply with "well our weeks somehow get lost and we only have 2 Saturdays to get a lot of stuff done". He like most men is a wonderful husband, but doesn't not understand the work that is involved with being a mom. Yes he knows there is work involved, he helps put up the canopy, blow up the pool and decorate on the day of the party, but he really has no idea who much prep work is involved before the big day. It is amazing how there know there are new party decorations, food ordered, party bags etc. but for some reason they have no comprehension of how all of those items came to be in our possession. Like they appeared by magic.
He complains that I over-think my parties. He, like most people, doesn't understand....throwing a party is an art form. I know that sounds corny, let me try to explain. Most people when they throw a party, have a little food, maybe some decorations, people come over and there is often some "blank spots" in the fun. Now let me walk you through what goes on in my mind when I am planning a party. The first thing you have to do is, decide on a theme. Once I have the theme I decide on a color scheme for things. Since I am a graphic designer, the next item is to design a theme based invitation. The big trick to making a party seem together is link everything back to the theme. After the invitations are done, I can focus on the theme. When I buy supplies and decorations everything in linked to the theme/color scheme. After the decorations are taken care of, the next step is activities. I make sure that there is something for everyone to do if they want to. Especially if there are children. Children often get tired of things quickly and if you don't give them something else to do, the whining or mischief begins. Every detail of a party is thought of and the minor, small details are not overlooked. When you come to one of my parties there is a reason to everything you see, hear or encounter. Most people never really realize the thought/details put into it, all they know is that there was something different that made the party special. Making a party special is all about creating an ambiance for the party-goers.
But enough rambling....
Monday, August 18
A different weekend than planned.
Our weekend was to be mostly child-free and relaxed, but that is not what happened.
On Friday, Brianne was to spend the night with her cousins. Events transpired that had us ending up with all 3 of the kids for the night. When you are not use to it or prepared, an event such as this can be quite a shock. The kids were all good and we had a nice time. Though Brianne wouldn't go to sleep, she kept jumping up to kiss her cousin "Roz-Rick"
On Saturday morning we woke up and had breakfast. Instead of going to the baby fair as desired and planned, we recovered from the night (cleaning and straightening). Lils and Bree then helped me make banana pudding for the birthday party of 2 of Brianne's other cousins later that day. At about 12:00pm we sent the kids over to my dad's so we could go help set-up the party which turned out to be more work than we had anticipated, but when it is family involved you do what you can to help. Since the time took longer than though our plans of going home to shower and get ready for the party went out the window. Eric had to dash to get the kids and a few more supplied while I stayed to help get things in order. The party turned out great and everyone had a great time. When all was said and done, we helped clean up as best we could and then took the kids back to my dad's house to spend the night. We then go to go out for a light dinner, then home to bed (we were pooped).
On Sunday morning we needed to pick up our daughter at about 9am to bring her home to get ready for Church. We left for church at about 10:45 and arrived a little late, surprisingly all the kids were behaved during sacrament. After church we took Brianne home. She and I took a nap while Eric did homework (begrudgingly). I was completely exhausted from the previous 2 days and could barely more. I went to bed, and did not sleep much.
And here I am on Monday morning, supposed to be relaxed and refreshed, and not even close! On a Kid-free (at least 36+ hours) weekend we were kid free for a burst of 2-1/2 hours first and then a total of 10 hours overnight. WooHoo!!
On Friday, Brianne was to spend the night with her cousins. Events transpired that had us ending up with all 3 of the kids for the night. When you are not use to it or prepared, an event such as this can be quite a shock. The kids were all good and we had a nice time. Though Brianne wouldn't go to sleep, she kept jumping up to kiss her cousin "Roz-Rick"
On Saturday morning we woke up and had breakfast. Instead of going to the baby fair as desired and planned, we recovered from the night (cleaning and straightening). Lils and Bree then helped me make banana pudding for the birthday party of 2 of Brianne's other cousins later that day. At about 12:00pm we sent the kids over to my dad's so we could go help set-up the party which turned out to be more work than we had anticipated, but when it is family involved you do what you can to help. Since the time took longer than though our plans of going home to shower and get ready for the party went out the window. Eric had to dash to get the kids and a few more supplied while I stayed to help get things in order. The party turned out great and everyone had a great time. When all was said and done, we helped clean up as best we could and then took the kids back to my dad's house to spend the night. We then go to go out for a light dinner, then home to bed (we were pooped).
On Sunday morning we needed to pick up our daughter at about 9am to bring her home to get ready for Church. We left for church at about 10:45 and arrived a little late, surprisingly all the kids were behaved during sacrament. After church we took Brianne home. She and I took a nap while Eric did homework (begrudgingly). I was completely exhausted from the previous 2 days and could barely more. I went to bed, and did not sleep much.
And here I am on Monday morning, supposed to be relaxed and refreshed, and not even close! On a Kid-free (at least 36+ hours) weekend we were kid free for a burst of 2-1/2 hours first and then a total of 10 hours overnight. WooHoo!!
Tuesday, August 5
The 4-day weekend that we shared as a family was so fun.
It started by going to Breakers with Lils (my niece) and my brother-in-law and his family. We had a great time. Bri loved the wave pool. We taught her how to body surf (sort-of) and she thought that was great. I hope we can go back before the season it up.
Friday, we took Bri to school. We were hoping to have a steakhouse lunch, but none are open for lunch during the week. After trying a couple places, we ended up at Ruby Tuesday's. It was good, and we were planning to go see the new Mummy movie, but we were so tired after lunch we came home and watched the first Bourne movie (Bourne Identity) and relaxed. We picked-up Bri and stopped at Sam's Club to pick up a pizza for dinner (they have great pizza that is cheap!)
Saturday, we woke up and had breakfast with my dad at Jerry Bob's. It was tasty as usual. We then did a little shopping and spent the rest of the day doing chores around the house. None of us had slept well on Friday night so it was nice to just relax.
Sunday was also relaxing. I skipped church (bad me!) We had BLTs for lunch which I had been craving for about a week and a "snackie" dinner. It was really nice.
I was not looking forward to going back to work, I knew there would be a lot of work there for me to do. I am the only one that does my job and everything just piles up when I am gone. It was a lot,but fortunately it was mostly lots of little jobs to do and I got most of them done yesterday.
It started by going to Breakers with Lils (my niece) and my brother-in-law and his family. We had a great time. Bri loved the wave pool. We taught her how to body surf (sort-of) and she thought that was great. I hope we can go back before the season it up.
Friday, we took Bri to school. We were hoping to have a steakhouse lunch, but none are open for lunch during the week. After trying a couple places, we ended up at Ruby Tuesday's. It was good, and we were planning to go see the new Mummy movie, but we were so tired after lunch we came home and watched the first Bourne movie (Bourne Identity) and relaxed. We picked-up Bri and stopped at Sam's Club to pick up a pizza for dinner (they have great pizza that is cheap!)
Saturday, we woke up and had breakfast with my dad at Jerry Bob's. It was tasty as usual. We then did a little shopping and spent the rest of the day doing chores around the house. None of us had slept well on Friday night so it was nice to just relax.
Sunday was also relaxing. I skipped church (bad me!) We had BLTs for lunch which I had been craving for about a week and a "snackie" dinner. It was really nice.
I was not looking forward to going back to work, I knew there would be a lot of work there for me to do. I am the only one that does my job and everything just piles up when I am gone. It was a lot,but fortunately it was mostly lots of little jobs to do and I got most of them done yesterday.
Wednesday, July 30
Today is my friday...
Well today I am only work three days. Eric and I are taking Thrus & Fri off to spend some time as a family. Tomorrow, we are going to Breakers Water Park with Keith, Bonnie and their kids. It is going to be so fun watching the kids play in the water. Friday we are not sure what we are going to do, maybe the zoo? We'll see...whatever it is it will be fun because we are all together.
Thursday, July 24
Worried about....
...my sister in law who is in the hospital for lower right abdominal pain. They don't know what is wrong and are having a hard time finding out. I hope she feels better soon.
...all the things that need to be done around the house before we can sell it.
...not having enough energy to get those things done.
...feeling bigger and tired with this pregnancy.
...what the next year holds in store for my little family.
...getting Brianne to sleep through the night in her own bed.
...being overwhelmed and giving up on everything.
...having a feeling of blah about life sometimes.
...all the things that need to be done around the house before we can sell it.
...not having enough energy to get those things done.
...feeling bigger and tired with this pregnancy.
...what the next year holds in store for my little family.
...getting Brianne to sleep through the night in her own bed.
...being overwhelmed and giving up on everything.
...having a feeling of blah about life sometimes.
Saturday, July 12
It;'s baaa-aack...
Brianne's infamous bout with vomit is back. For those of you who don't know this is something that happens with Brianne about every 6 months, it is like clockwork. It all starts one night, in the middle of the night, when she decides to throw up about 3-4 times. Then over the next 2 weeks she throws up randomly. It is at different times of the day, different amounts each day without a warning of the impending doom. Of course this pleasantness never happens on the tile or in an area that is easy to clean up. This is a time when we do a lot of laundry.
Monday, July 7
Another First...
Dun, dun, da, dun....Well it has finally happened. We had to go to the Emergency Room with Brianne. Fortunately, it turned out to be nothing serious. Saturday night Brianne went to bed and about 11pm we heard a thump, whaaaaaaa. When I went into Bri's room she was holding a pink bucket. I took the bucket away and she began holding her arm. I felt around and had her move it for me and all seemed in order and she went back to sleep. At about 1pm she woke up again and started and continued to cry. She wouldn't take any medicine so we decided we should go to the ER to make sure there were not breaks or fractures. They took x-rays and said there were none. The doc said that it was probably something called "nurses elbow" which is basically this: when a child falls they tend to grab on to things close to them and it temporarily pulls their elbow joint out of socket and it pops immediately back. This causes a strain on the muscles and leaves them sore. He said it she was not better by end of the day Sunday to go to her regular doc and have a 2nd set of x-rays done.
I am happy to report Bri is doing just fine!
I am happy to report Bri is doing just fine!
Wednesday, July 2
Thank you...
With 4th of July coming up it always makes me think about my life and what others, whom I have never met, give up so that me and my loved ones can live in this wonderful county that many die trying to enter. We live in the greatest nation in the world, and if you don't agree...than what are you doing here? People risk their lives just to get a piece of our life.
I have always been that person that cries every time I hear the national anthem or see soldiers/veterans saluting the flag. Soldiers (present and retired) are the greatest human beings in the world and I love each and every one of them. Now of course there anywhere you go there is always going to be those few that take things to extremely and make the rest look bad. Just remember if it wasn't for all those brave men and women that VOLUNTEER to protect you and your family that you owe everything to. Do not speak ill of them or say they are bad people. Some of the things that are required of them is not nice, but it is what is necessary to keep you in your comfortable lifestyle. When you see a soldier, current or retired, tell them thank you and that what they do means a lot to you.
So on this national holiday remember that you live in the greatest nation in the world. Thank those that should be and don't complain about it unless you are willing to get off you butt and change it!
I have always been that person that cries every time I hear the national anthem or see soldiers/veterans saluting the flag. Soldiers (present and retired) are the greatest human beings in the world and I love each and every one of them. Now of course there anywhere you go there is always going to be those few that take things to extremely and make the rest look bad. Just remember if it wasn't for all those brave men and women that VOLUNTEER to protect you and your family that you owe everything to. Do not speak ill of them or say they are bad people. Some of the things that are required of them is not nice, but it is what is necessary to keep you in your comfortable lifestyle. When you see a soldier, current or retired, tell them thank you and that what they do means a lot to you.
So on this national holiday remember that you live in the greatest nation in the world. Thank those that should be and don't complain about it unless you are willing to get off you butt and change it!
Monday, June 30
4 day work week...
I am truly looking forward to this weekend, 3 days off!! We have made plans to go out with my brother and sister in law on Friday. Lunch and a movie (Hancock)...it's the little things in life that give us joy.
Sunday, June 22
Brianne has been taking swim lessons at day care and we can really see a difference. She loves to swim so much and is so fearless that we felt we really had no choice but to put her in swim lessons. We can tell she feels more confident swimming in the pool.
Friday, June 20
Eric and I are hoping to get the house at least somewhat clean this Saturday. I hope to at least get things picked up, and the top layer of dirt off everything. Wish us luck!
Thursday, June 19
Darn this heat!
Oh my goodness!!! It is only June and it is already over 100 degrees EVERYDAY!!! This does not bode well for the summer...*sigh*
On the other hand, I am thankful that there is no humidity. I do not do well with the moisture, feeling all sticky...yuck! I really want to try to do some pool exercises to help keep my weight under control during my pregnancy, and now that Brianne can wear floaties and has had some swim lessons I don't have to be as crazy about her. Now if I can only find the energy to do it...
On the other hand, I am thankful that there is no humidity. I do not do well with the moisture, feeling all sticky...yuck! I really want to try to do some pool exercises to help keep my weight under control during my pregnancy, and now that Brianne can wear floaties and has had some swim lessons I don't have to be as crazy about her. Now if I can only find the energy to do it...
Wednesday, June 11
A Little Bit About Me
45 Things About Me
Do you like blue cheese? In things, but sometimes it is overwhelming
Do you own a gun? a couple
What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Strawberry
Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Heck no!
What do you think of hot dogs? Nasty...
Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story... Ohhh Fuuuudddggggeee!!
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water, sometimes OJ
Can you do push ups? Some
What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? Wedding Ring
Favorite hobby? Depends...shooting, movies, my family
Do you have A.D.D.? No
What’s one trait you hate about yourself? I overreact to things sometimes.
Middle name? Lyn
Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I am so tired. I hope this weekend is fun. I hope Brianne sleeps through the night, please, please, please!
Name 3 things you bought yesterday? Shower mat, bathing suit for my daughter, & Conditioner for my hair.
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, Iced tea, & milk
Current worry? Selling our house
Current hate right now? My House!!
Favorite place to be? With my family
How did you bring in the New Year? Sleeping
Where would you like to go? Anywhere where the temperature is lower than 100 and the humidity is low.
Do you own slippers? Yep, but my daughter calls them sloppers
What song makes you happy? Forever Young, by Rod Stewart. Twist and Shout by the Beatles. Leavin' by Jesse McCartney. Anything with a great beat.
What year would you go back in time to? I like where I am thanks.
Can you whistle? Yes
Favorite color? All the jewel colors
Would you be a pirate? Dirty, smelly, disease infested nomads...I don't think so.
What songs do you sing in the shower? Usually by the time I get in the shower I am too tired to sing.
Favorite girl’s name. Madelyn, Julianne, Rinay
Favorite boy’s name? Jaxon, Elijah, Christopher
What’s in your pocket right now? No pockets currently...
Last thing that made you laugh? My daighter
Last thing that made you cry? Heaven only knows at this time.
Worst injury you’ve ever had? Twisted ankle
Do you love where you live? I love being by my family, hate the heat & my current house.
How many TVs do you have in your house? Right now...One
How many dogs do you have? None
What is your favorite book(s)? Harry Potter series
What is your favorite candy? Butterscotch candies, junior mints
Favorite Sports Team(s)? I don't do sports
Your favorite meal? It changes by the minute.
What were you doing 12 AM last night? Sleeping
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? I don't want to go to work today!
Do you have any odd habits? I am crazy about clean ears
How many siblings do you have? One
Do you like blue cheese? In things, but sometimes it is overwhelming
Do you own a gun? a couple
What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Strawberry
Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Heck no!
What do you think of hot dogs? Nasty...
Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story... Ohhh Fuuuudddggggeee!!
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water, sometimes OJ
Can you do push ups? Some
What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? Wedding Ring
Favorite hobby? Depends...shooting, movies, my family
Do you have A.D.D.? No
What’s one trait you hate about yourself? I overreact to things sometimes.
Middle name? Lyn
Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I am so tired. I hope this weekend is fun. I hope Brianne sleeps through the night, please, please, please!
Name 3 things you bought yesterday? Shower mat, bathing suit for my daughter, & Conditioner for my hair.
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, Iced tea, & milk
Current worry? Selling our house
Current hate right now? My House!!
Favorite place to be? With my family
How did you bring in the New Year? Sleeping
Where would you like to go? Anywhere where the temperature is lower than 100 and the humidity is low.
Do you own slippers? Yep, but my daughter calls them sloppers
What song makes you happy? Forever Young, by Rod Stewart. Twist and Shout by the Beatles. Leavin' by Jesse McCartney. Anything with a great beat.
What year would you go back in time to? I like where I am thanks.
Can you whistle? Yes
Favorite color? All the jewel colors
Would you be a pirate? Dirty, smelly, disease infested nomads...I don't think so.
What songs do you sing in the shower? Usually by the time I get in the shower I am too tired to sing.
Favorite girl’s name. Madelyn, Julianne, Rinay
Favorite boy’s name? Jaxon, Elijah, Christopher
What’s in your pocket right now? No pockets currently...
Last thing that made you laugh? My daighter
Last thing that made you cry? Heaven only knows at this time.
Worst injury you’ve ever had? Twisted ankle
Do you love where you live? I love being by my family, hate the heat & my current house.
How many TVs do you have in your house? Right now...One
How many dogs do you have? None
What is your favorite book(s)? Harry Potter series
What is your favorite candy? Butterscotch candies, junior mints
Favorite Sports Team(s)? I don't do sports
Your favorite meal? It changes by the minute.
What were you doing 12 AM last night? Sleeping
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? I don't want to go to work today!
Do you have any odd habits? I am crazy about clean ears
How many siblings do you have? One
I was tagged....
5 Things You Can Find Inside My Bag:
1. Wallet
2. Antibacterial Cleanser
3. M&M's
4. Calendar
5 Favorite Things Inside The Room I'm In:
1. TV
2. Computer
3. Counch
4. Over energized daughter
5. A mess
5 Things I've Always Wanted To Do:
1. Sing
2. Be independently wealthy
3. Create a program to really help those in need
4. Not care what anyone things
5. Travel the world on a cruise ship
5 Things I'm Currently Into:
1. Pregnancy
2. Ranch Corn nuts
3. Sleeping
4. Helping Brianne sleep through the night
5. Swimming
4 people I Plan To Tag:
Would tag Bonnie but she tagged me!
1. Wallet
2. Antibacterial Cleanser
3. M&M's
4. Calendar
5 Favorite Things Inside The Room I'm In:
1. TV
2. Computer
3. Counch
4. Over energized daughter
5. A mess
5 Things I've Always Wanted To Do:
1. Sing
2. Be independently wealthy
3. Create a program to really help those in need
4. Not care what anyone things
5. Travel the world on a cruise ship
5 Things I'm Currently Into:
1. Pregnancy
2. Ranch Corn nuts
3. Sleeping
4. Helping Brianne sleep through the night
5. Swimming
4 people I Plan To Tag:
Would tag Bonnie but she tagged me!
Tuesday, June 10
Brianne is getting some attitude! She has started saying phrases with a certain flare shall we say...She is definitely testing the waters of defiance. She has also picked up the very annoying habit of whining. It is driving Eric and I up the wall.
And now to add a bit of fun for me, Eric is the new teachers quorum adviser in our ward. This means on top of doing work, school & Primerica (which he doesn't get to do much of already), now he will be gone to do mutual and scouting things. I hate this!!! I did not get married so I could be a single parent.
We really need a vacation, but it all comes down to that age old detail of money. Not enough to go, can't afford to take time off of work, etc. etc.
Did I mention waahh, waahh, poor me!
And now to add a bit of fun for me, Eric is the new teachers quorum adviser in our ward. This means on top of doing work, school & Primerica (which he doesn't get to do much of already), now he will be gone to do mutual and scouting things. I hate this!!! I did not get married so I could be a single parent.
We really need a vacation, but it all comes down to that age old detail of money. Not enough to go, can't afford to take time off of work, etc. etc.
Did I mention waahh, waahh, poor me!
Thursday, June 5
My New Nephew!!
Tuesday, May 27
Memorial Day Weekend
We had a blast! On Saturday we got up early and got McDonald's for breakfast (yummy hash browns!!) and met at my brother & sister in law's house. We left Tucson for Queen Creek. There we went to a U-Pick farm and picked peaches and apricots. They are soooo good! We had Taco Bell for lunch and drove back home. Sunday was pretty tame. Usually it is my day to do laundry but since my washer is broken I just took it easy. On Monday I invited my family and hubby's family over for a BBQ and swimming. We BBQed polish sausage with BBQ sauce and marinated lemon pepper chicken breasts. Eric did a fantastic job of BBQing. I made potato salad and everyone brought something to share. It was so much fun. The weather was perfect and the pool felt so nice.
Friday, May 23
If fate allows....
Since I am sick and haven't been able to function very well, I have taken some time off work this week. On Thursday, I was lucky enough to not have to go in. I figured I would try to be at least somewhat useful and do some laundry. I did 3 loads and then the washing machine went out. I just shook my head and said "of course...". So now my good deed of trying to catch up on all the laundry is out the window. We will have to spend at least some of the weekend at a laundry mat. It is the easiest way to get all the laundry done in a short amount of time. What a pain in the tushie!!!
Tuesday, May 20
Okay...It's Official!
I went to the doctor yesterday and we weren't able to hear a heartbeat, but there has definitely been conception!! WE ARE OFFICIALLY PREGNANT!!!! The due date at this point is about January 15th of 2009. I have another appointment on June 3rd @ 2:30.
Follow the link under the "More sites about us" section to the New Baby Reeves blog. I will be using this site as my "pregnancy update" site. It will be a record of my appointments and mood swings/symptoms.
Follow the link under the "More sites about us" section to the New Baby Reeves blog. I will be using this site as my "pregnancy update" site. It will be a record of my appointments and mood swings/symptoms.
Sunday, May 18
Does anybody care....?!
I am seriously wondering if anyone even cares or reads my blog. I am interested in reading about my friends, but I don't think anyone reads about me. If you do, could you leave me a comment so I know who does???
Saturday, May 17
Makutus Island
Hi Everyone,
My sister's friend Stephanie invited Brianne and I to join her son's birthday party at Makutus Island in Phoenix. It is like McDonald's playland on crack!! It is really awesome. It is a huge into playground for kids and adults! They have a security system in place with wristbands. You can practically drop your kid off inside the play area and let them go until you leave together. Here is their website: http://makutusisland.com/index.html I highly recommend checking it out...you and your kids will love it.
My sister's friend Stephanie invited Brianne and I to join her son's birthday party at Makutus Island in Phoenix. It is like McDonald's playland on crack!! It is really awesome. It is a huge into playground for kids and adults! They have a security system in place with wristbands. You can practically drop your kid off inside the play area and let them go until you leave together. Here is their website: http://makutusisland.com/index.html I highly recommend checking it out...you and your kids will love it.
Thursday, May 15
Becca's Baby Shower
Well here they are (finally) the pictures of Becca's baby shower. It was a lot of fun and stress. Bec got some great presents and was so greatful to everyone.
Here are some pictures from the big event:
Here are some pictures from the big event:
Thursday, May 8
Sister in Labor?!
Well my nephew held on until after the baby shower (thanks Oatmeal!) but it seems that my sister is having real contractions. She had an appointment yesterday, and the doctor noticed the contractions on the stress test. They immediately did an exam and she was only 1cm. They are almost positive that the baby will be born in May (not June 22 as anticipated). She has had a hard pregnancy this time and is read for little Oatmeal to make his appearance...
95th Birthday
Today my Great-Grandmother turns 95! Wow, the things she has seen...The entire family is going to dinner tonight (except Eric-he'll be in school).
Friday, May 2
Baby Shower
Well it is Friday and tomorrow is my sisters baby shower for her baby boy due on June 22nd. It is at my house and I am STRESSING as I always do before I have a party. Fortunately though my husband had arranged to have today off and he is going to help me get things in order, he is the best. I will put some pictures up when the party is a done.
Saturday, April 26
Getting Anxious....
I am really ready to be out of this house. The only perk...a pool for Brianne to play in! I am ready to have a house with a backyard and lots of play room. I want a garden with lots of fresh veggies and fruits. We have been talking about buying about 10 or so acres with some family. It is a wonderful idea and I want it to happen so badly. I want our little girl to have wide open spaces to play in and to learn to self sufficient.
Time keeps ticking by and it seems as though nothing will ever change, but then I think about 4-6 months ago and where we were and what we were doing. Things are different now so who knows what things will be like in 4 months...?
It is amazing how sometimes time seems to just creep by and other times it flies! It is all tied in with your frame of mind and what you are waiting for. I HATE WAITING! Patience is not one of the things that I have been blessed with, but fortunately faith and the knowledge that everything happens for a reason is. Even though sometimes I don't like it :(
Time keeps ticking by and it seems as though nothing will ever change, but then I think about 4-6 months ago and where we were and what we were doing. Things are different now so who knows what things will be like in 4 months...?
It is amazing how sometimes time seems to just creep by and other times it flies! It is all tied in with your frame of mind and what you are waiting for. I HATE WAITING! Patience is not one of the things that I have been blessed with, but fortunately faith and the knowledge that everything happens for a reason is. Even though sometimes I don't like it :(
Friday, April 18
Swimming Season is Approaching
My daughter is so excited that swimming season is among us. Everyday she says "simming mam, simming". She loves to splash around and jump in with her floaties on. She was especially excited when "ampa" offered to take her swimming before he comes over for dinner on Sunday. Go Ampa!
The Garbage Truck
Brianne is scared to death of the garbage truck. She runs, hides, and holds on tight to my neck when she hears one. Unfortunately there is a dumpster just on the other side of the wall at her daycare. It apparently scared the crud out of her because now she hates to do out and play and that used to be her favorite part of school. I am very troubled by this. I hope we can resolve this.
Saturday, April 5
We had a Wiggly Time!!
On Tuesday, Eric and I took Brianne and Lili to
After a dining feast at McDonald's
of Chicken nuggets and Chocolate milk
and expelling some energy on the playground...
we drove to the TCC to get in our seats!
Of course we made a pit-stop at the souvenir stand...
Lili got a hat and Brianne got a shirt.
They immediately adorned their attire
And after what seemed like ages of waiting.....

The WIGGLES finally emerged!

We pointed our fingers.....

And did the twist....

We shook our tushes......

And wiggled all around.....
We ALL had a wonderful time!!!!

Nothing is more wonderful than seeing
Little children at their happiest.
Giggling and smiling and have a BLAST!
Home for Sale
It is official...our home is for sale! If you know anyone that is interested please have them send me a message.

Saturday, March 15
I'm thankful for.....
...My wonderful husband who tries very hard to take care of me.
...My daugther Brianne of whom I am completely infatuated with.
...A home to live in.
...The knowledge that there is a loving God who knows and loves me dispite my MANY faults.
...5 almost perfectly working senses
...Hugs and Kisses
...My daugther Brianne of whom I am completely infatuated with.
...A home to live in.
...The knowledge that there is a loving God who knows and loves me dispite my MANY faults.
...5 almost perfectly working senses
...Hugs and Kisses
Sunday, February 24
Ready to move...
Eric and I have decided that it is time for us to move on...from our house that is. We have just begun looking for a new home. I am particularly excited to get into a new home. I do not like living in this area we are now living in. It is not a bad area, it is just filled with lots of retired people. We need to have more people around us that are our age and have children that Brianne and our future child(ren) can play with. I am very excited about this new venture we are about to imbark on. Wish us luck!
Sunday, February 17
Well I tell you it has been an interesting 6 months. It started off fairly normal with Brianne turing 2. The party was awesome, she had a great time with all the kids. But it left me wondering where does the time go...?
Then over the holidays so many things happened. Thanksgiving was a little weird. My great-grandmother fell and went to the emergency room. Thankfully she was okay. And there was a little bit of anxiety since my parents announced that they were getting a divorce a couple days before (after 31 years of marriage).
Just after that, but before Christmas my sister informed us that she was pregnant with her second child. She is very excited, and we are for her.
We took Lili (our neice) and Brianne, along with Eric's brother and his family, up to see the Temple lights in Mesa. They were beautiful (see below for pictures)
We got all new flooring in our home just before Christmas and my home has still not recovered fully. There is tile dust in many of the nooks and crannys. I do have the top layer cleaned and every week find a little more hidden somewhere. I really need to do "spring cleaning" but I can't find the time or energy to clean it up.
Over Christmas, Eric, Brianne and I all got sick with colds and you know how it is when that happens...mom has to buck up and take care of everyone. Needless to say I was exhausted for about 3 weeks while trying to recouperate.
New Years was uneventful, as per usual lots of friends/family having parties but we were not invited to anything. Aparently we smell or something. During January I help my mother look for an apartment. We finally found one she was happy with. On January 31st I helped her move in. Man do I hate moving (I have done it over 10 time myself)! It is a little weird that my parents are no longer together, but they still are remaining friends so everything is civil. I can easily invite them to things together and they are fine.
On Valentine's Day, Eric was sick and had school...SUCKS! We haven't really had and time together alone since our anniversary in October. We try and make plans but usually they fall through do to babysitting or what not.
And now this morning, Brianne has decided to start throwing up again. I feel so bad for her...you can see she is uncomfortable and I can't explain why to her. Poor baby!
We will see what the next 6 months has to bring...
Then over the holidays so many things happened. Thanksgiving was a little weird. My great-grandmother fell and went to the emergency room. Thankfully she was okay. And there was a little bit of anxiety since my parents announced that they were getting a divorce a couple days before (after 31 years of marriage).
Just after that, but before Christmas my sister informed us that she was pregnant with her second child. She is very excited, and we are for her.
We took Lili (our neice) and Brianne, along with Eric's brother and his family, up to see the Temple lights in Mesa. They were beautiful (see below for pictures)
We got all new flooring in our home just before Christmas and my home has still not recovered fully. There is tile dust in many of the nooks and crannys. I do have the top layer cleaned and every week find a little more hidden somewhere. I really need to do "spring cleaning" but I can't find the time or energy to clean it up.
Over Christmas, Eric, Brianne and I all got sick with colds and you know how it is when that happens...mom has to buck up and take care of everyone. Needless to say I was exhausted for about 3 weeks while trying to recouperate.
New Years was uneventful, as per usual lots of friends/family having parties but we were not invited to anything. Aparently we smell or something. During January I help my mother look for an apartment. We finally found one she was happy with. On January 31st I helped her move in. Man do I hate moving (I have done it over 10 time myself)! It is a little weird that my parents are no longer together, but they still are remaining friends so everything is civil. I can easily invite them to things together and they are fine.
On Valentine's Day, Eric was sick and had school...SUCKS! We haven't really had and time together alone since our anniversary in October. We try and make plans but usually they fall through do to babysitting or what not.
And now this morning, Brianne has decided to start throwing up again. I feel so bad for her...you can see she is uncomfortable and I can't explain why to her. Poor baby!
We will see what the next 6 months has to bring...
Sunday, January 27
President Hinckley has passed away...
President Hinckley passed away on Sunday night at about 7pm with his family around him. My heart and prayers go out to the Hinckley family. President Gordon B. Hinckley was a great man and he and his wisdom will be sorely missed on this Earth, but I know he is with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ rigth now. President Hinckley, We will always love you and miss you.
Sunday, January 20
Happy New Year!
Well it is a brand new year and what a year it has been (I will post more on that later). I am anxious to get this new year rolling and see what is in store. Eric and I have many things planned.
Unfortunately Brianne has been throwing-up the past 4 days. Not constantly, but 1-2 times a day...usually in the morning or evening. During the day she is completely fine, I don't get it. This is how she operates, every couple of months she does this. It is frustrating for me, because she doesn't know what is happening and I can't help her. It make me sad...
Unfortunately Brianne has been throwing-up the past 4 days. Not constantly, but 1-2 times a day...usually in the morning or evening. During the day she is completely fine, I don't get it. This is how she operates, every couple of months she does this. It is frustrating for me, because she doesn't know what is happening and I can't help her. It make me sad...
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